In this Article:

On the Western side of the world, we’re taught to have an individualistic mindset — “How can I maximize my happiness?” People in the East are taught to have a collective mindset — “How can we maximize our happiness?” This change in perspective is slight. But, makes all the difference, especially when you are building culture remotely.

Wagepoint CEO, Shrad Rao recently sat down with George Khalife, the host of Let’s Grab Coffee Podcast,  to provide valuable insights on the difference between Western and Eastern philosophy and how it influences business strategy and management style.

A company is just a community — it’s a group of people with a shared purpose.

Shrad Rao, Wagepoint CEO

What you’ll learn in this podcast:

  • Collectivist vs. individualistic beliefs — what they mean and how whichever one you ascribe to can impact your bottom line.
  • Culture-building — how setting parameters is just as important as letting people be their authentic selves.
  • The entrepreneurial journey — dealing with setbacks, getting that first customer and more.

Have a listen!

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